Connecting kubectl to DC/OS

Step 1

Find public IP address of Public DC/OS Node

Your instructors have pre-installed the DC/OS Edge Load Balancer on your cluster and configured it to provide ingress to your Kuberenetes cluster’s control plane.

To attach kubectl to your cluster, you must point the configuration command below to the public IP address of the public DC/OS agent where Edge-LB is running.

Your DC/OS cluster contains 1 public agent nodes. To determine where Edge-LB is running, open your clusterinfo.txt file and note the IP addresses of your public agent.

Next, attempt to visit the following URL for your public agents:

<public agent public IP address>:6090/haproxy?stats


Step 2

Connecting using Kubeconfig

Configure kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes cluster running on DC/OS using the following commands:

dcos kubernetes cluster kubeconfig \
    --insecure-skip-tls-verify \
    --context-name=kubernetes-cluster1 \
    --cluster-name=kubernetes-cluster1 \
    --apiserver-url=https://<public agent where Edge-LB is running IP address>:6443

Confirm connection:

kubectl get nodes

Step 3

Kubernetes Dashboard (Official UI of Kubernetes)

To access the dashboard run, we will expose the Kubernetes UI via a NodePort deployment on the Kubernetes cluster that we will access on our DC/OS public agent.

To begin, download dashboard-ext.yaml and save it to your local directory with the following command:

curl -O
/* Raw content of dashboard-ext.yaml */
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kubernetes-dashboard-ext
  namespace: kube-system
  type: NodePort
    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
  - protocol: TCP
    nodePort: 30443
    port: 8443

Next, let’s create this deployment on our Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f dashboard-ext.yaml

To authenticate to your Kubernetes dashboard, you will need your Kuberenetes config file, which contains your authorization token. Let’s put the config file in our present working directory for convenience:

# Mac instructions
cp ~/.kube/config ./

To access your Kubernetes dashboard, point your web browser to the URL below:

Make sure to include https:// in your URL

https://<your DC/OS public agent public IP>:30443

Lastly, find select your Kubernetes config file from the dialog box and click “Sign in”


Congratulations! You should now see the Kubernetes dashboard.
