Getting Set Up

The instructor will give you the IP address and credentials that you will need to SSH into your DC/OS cluster.

Step 1

Set Up DC/OS Command Line

If you have a Macbook or Linux laptop and you don’t have any restrictions on accessing servers on the internet, you can use the instructions in Step 2 on your laptop. If you don’t then you should login to your cluster’s “bootstrap” server and use it as a command line client.

Download the id_rsa key from the workshop cluster Github location at:

If using Windows and Putty Telnet, you will need to download the key above and convert it to a .ppk file. Please see the instructor with questions.

Step 2

If your laptop can access any servers on the internet without restriction, please install the DC/OS CLI locally on your machine. If your laptop is restricted, please SSH into your “bootstrap” server and install the DC/OS CLI there. For the rest of the course, you will execute DC/OS command line commands from your bootstrap server (located within your VPC).

To SSH to the bootstrap server:

ssh -i ./id_rsa centos@<your bootstrap server ip address>

All students continue here:

Your instructor will give you:

  • Master IP address
  • Public IP address
  • DC/OS user and password

Access your DC/OS Dashboard using the URL https://<MASTER IP>/. Make sure you use HTTPS.

Set up the DC/OS command line by clicking on the top left and choosing “Install CLI”


Click in the dialogue box to copy the command

Copy Command

Paste that command into your Terminal and press enter

For CoreOS use the following commands to install the CLI binary:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/bin &&
curl -o dcos &&
chmod +x dcos &&
sudo mv dcos /opt/bin
dcos cluster setup

Using Homebrew

brew install dcos-cli

Once the CLI is installed, confirm that it is installed correctly and connected to your cluster by running following command

dcos node

The output should be a list of nodes in the cluster

   HOSTNAME        IP                         ID                     TYPE                 REGION          ZONE  94141db5-28df-4194-a1f2-4378214838a7-S0   agent            aws/us-west-2  aws/us-west-2a  94141db5-28df-4194-a1f2-4378214838a7-S4   agent            aws/us-west-2  aws/us-west-2a

Step 4 Tour DC/OS Catalog

Your instructor will give you a tour of DC/OS UI and catalog.

All labs are available onine at dcos-labs

You can find the source code for the labs at GitHub: dcos / demos