Installing Kafka and Flink
Step 1
Install Kafka
To begin, install the Kafka framework on DC/OS using the following command:
dcos package install kafka --yes
Next, figure out where the broker is:
dcos kafka endpoints broker
"address": [
"dns": [
"vip": ""
Note the FQDN for the vip: In our case
, which is independent of the actual broker locations.
It is possible to use the FQDN of any of the brokers, but using the VIP FQDN will give us load balancing.
Step 2
Create Kafka topics
DC/OS makes managing Kafka topics incredibly easy using the Kafka CLI.
Run the following 2 commands:
dcos kafka topic create transactions
dcos kafka topic create fraud
Step 3
Install Flink
Next, we need to install Flink.
dcos package install --yes flink
The Services tab in your DC/OS UI should show the full suite of services you have successfully deployed.